Field Tile 3" x 6"
$7.00 per piece
Field tile are simply plain tiles as opposed to the decorated, or patterned tiles. Any smooth surfaced, undecorated tile in our catalog we will refer to as Field Tile. The sizes of our field tile ranges from 1.5" x 6" up to 6" x 6", and includes everything in between. We also include special profile tiles in the field tile category. These would be the bullnose, mudcap, and any inside or outside corner tiles.
When considering a field of tiles, the grout line width, and pattern becomes an element of the overall design (grout is the cementing material between the individual tiles). In Victorian times, the grout lines were typically absent. Tiles were laid so close together that grout was not required, or wanted. In a typical Arts and Crafts approach, grout lines were wide, and tiles were spaced apart to the point that the grout line became a design feature, lending a more casual approach versus the more regimented and strict Victorian style.
If the grout line is visible no special treatment of the tile is necessary. If the Victorian style is desired, an extra step in manufacturing becomes necessary. This extra step involves trimming and truing each tile edge with a tile saw, requiring additional handling and attention prior to glazing the tile. The edge of the tile is also absent of all glaze to ensure a tight fit. Again, more work. Victorian style field tiles carry an upcharge of 20%.